Tshirt Design - “Set Phasers to Love Me,” March 2014
My wife has gotten me hooked on Community! This is from Season 2, Episode 16, “Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking.” On sale now at: http://society6.com/bencapozzi and at http://www.redbubble.com/people/bencapozzi/shop
My wife has successfully gotten me hooked on Joe McHale's TV show, Community.
Donald Glover (aka, Troy). Levar Burton. Rainbow love beams shooting from Geordi LaForge's prosthetic visor. What's not to love?
Available as a print or t-shirt at my Society6 store: http://society6.com/bencapozzi and on RedBubble at http://www.redbubble.com/people/bencapozzi/shop. These sites regularly run promotions so stay tuned to my feeds to catch a sale.
This is from Season 2, Episode 16, “Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking”.